My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:20-23

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Last Radiation Tomorrow!

At 10 am I will finish the last of 33 radiations. I will miss the girls who give me my treatments - they have been so kind.

The next step is to get this lymphedema under control. I think radiation has aggravated it, so I am looking forward to seeing what happens as the effects of radiation leave my body.

I am hearing from others that six months to a year is the expected time for full energy to return after radiation.

I was listening to the birds outside this am, and I realized that I have spent almost a full year in this process. I first found the lump on May 15, and I have spent almost four seasons in treatment so far. My recovery will go into the fall. It has been a long road, and I am glad to be so far along on the path.

Please pray for my arm - it is the most difficult part of this for me to deal with right now. It is also the reason I do not write as much - the bandaging makes it difficult to type.
Thanks, Jan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jan, just a note to tell you that you are still in my frequent prayers. Remember, God is not in the circumstances of our lives, He is in US in the circumstances of our lives. Where He is in relationship to us makes all the difference when hard times come! You are doing a FABULOUS job of running this tough marathon. Keep up the are almost to a flat spot on the trail. You are an inspiration to so many of us. God uses every single sigh for HIS glory. You are reflecting that glory, Jan.
Your friend, Vicki